Friday, 11 October 2013

Who's laughing now? Suicidal 33 stone man who was asked to leave a bar after making girls 'feel sick' sheds 18 stone to transform himself into a personal trainer called Mr Muscles

Mike weighed 22st aged 21 and tipped the scales at 33st when he was 29
  • Now 31, he was a virtual recluse for seven years after girls' cruel jibes
  • Stayed at home drinking alcohol he ordered off the internet
  • Driven by depression to take an overdose - but failed to kill himself
  • Purchased a cross-trainer online and began working out in his room
  • Lost 18st in 18 months and began working out at gym
  • Is now personal trainer nicknamed 'Mr Muscles' - and has found a girlfriend.

A 33 stone man who was so depressed about being overweight that he tried to end his own life has lost a staggering 18 stone - and so dramatic is his transformation that he is now nicknamed Mr Muscles.
Mike Waudby weighed 22 stone by the age of 21 and by the time he was 29 he tipped the scales at 33 stone.
Morbidly obese Mike became so down about his weight that he took an overdose to end his suffering.
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Lost control: Mike weighed so much that he lived his life slumped in a chair drinking alcohol he ordered off the internet
Lost control: Mike weighed so much that he lived his life slumped in a chair drinking alcohol he ordered off the internet

Toned: The personal trainer from Hull, Yorks lost 18 stone over 18 months and is now nicknamed Mr Muscles
Toned: The personal trainer from Hull, Yorks lost 18 stone over 18 months and is now nicknamed Mr Muscles

But surviving the suicide attempt proved to be a turning point for Mike, from Hull East Yorks, who has since lost over half his bodyweight.
Now a personal trainer and nicknamed Mr Muscles, Mike, 31, is urging others not to get into the same situation he found himself in. 
He said: 'By the age of 21, I weighed 22 stone. I used to go out but, one night, a girl came up to me and asked me to leave the bar I was in. I asked why and she told me I was making her and her friends feel sick.
Mike Waudby pictured at 33 stone
Mike says that losing weight has given him a life and is urging others not to get into the same situation he found himself in
Before and after: Left, Mike was once asked to leave a bar by a group of girls who told him cruelly he was making them 'feel sick'. Right, Mike is now fighting fit and says he's been given a 'new lease of life'

'That was the last time I went out in public, apart from going to the doctor, for seven years.'
Hiding from the world in his bedroom, Mike would order alcohol online and have it delivered to his home, wasting his days watching television and browsing the internet.
He said: 'One night, while listening to Guns N’ Roses, I thought to myself, "What kind of a life is this?"
'I had terrible pains and I was too scared to go to the gym and do anything about my weight, as people pointed and laughed at me in the street.
'I thought, "stuff it", and drank two bottles of whisky, eight cans of Stella and as many tablets as I could find.
'I remember waking up, no headache, no pains, just a sickening feeling that I was still here and not dead.'

Then, one night, reality set in for Mike and he decided it was time to take control of his life.
'I had wasted everything and lost everything and the only person who could do something was me,' he said. 

Mike Waudy at 13 stone
Mike has now qualified as a personal trainer
Mike, now 13 stone with a muscular physique, initially lost weight using just a cross-trainer in his room

Mike ordered a cross-trainer on the internet, set it up in his room and set to work.
He gradually built up his stamina to three one-hour sessions a day and stopped drinking altogether.
Mike said: 'Every session on the cross-trainer ended up with me taking my XXXXL dripping wet T-shirt off and just looking down at my belly crying. But, each time, I picked myself up and carried on.'
It took 18 months for Mike, now 31, to lose 18 stone. But he was still left with a major problem – his loose skin.
It is little wonder that Mike has now earned the nickname Mr Muscles
It is little wonder that Mike has now earned the nickname Mr Muscles

'I felt just as disgusting as I did when I was 33 stone. I needed to do something, and I ended up paying for skin on my stomach and upper arms to be removed.'
The operation removed some of the excess skin but Mike was not satisfied with the end result.
Mike decided to join a gym to tone up properly - and enjoyed working out so much he strove to make it his career.
Demonstrating his new found body confidence Mike has shared his progress on his Facebook page, posting a series of pictures of himself throughout his dramatic weight loss alongside the caption ‘Trained my f****** ass off!’.
In response to the understandably highly complimentary comments however Mike says that he feels he still has some way to go in honing his physique.
After one friend comments: ‘Well done doesn't seem to cut it. One hell of an accomplishment,’ Mike responds: ‘Thanks everyone, really appreciate the kind words.
‘Have a long way to go yet, gotta (sic) pack on more muscle to fill that skin. Just gonna (sic) take time and effort. Need my head in the right place to finish the fight.’
Mike also has posted images of his new healthy lifestyle with pictures of high-protein snacks and bread as well as himself hard at work in the gym. 
Now, Mike, who says he is still getting used to his new body shape, has qualified as a personal trainer and is looking for his first clients.
He has also found a beautiful blonde girlfriend, Morgan, and says: 'Losing weight has not only given me a new lease of life, it has actually given me a life,' he said.

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