Once a slender, pretty blonde,Candice Armstrong, 28, from Walthamstow in London is now a hulking brunette with muscles that wouldn't look out of place on Arnold Schwarzenegger and body hair that sprouts from her back, chest and upper lip.Candice had no intention of becoming so masculine when she began taking the drug, but says that it's too late for her to stop.

'No, it wasn't my plan. 'You could argue that when I wanted big arms and broad shoulders, a bigger back and small hips, that that was a masculine look but I didn't consciously decide I want to change from a woman into a man.'
The side effects have been severe. Along with excess body hair and acne, her clitoris has swelled so much, it has become a mini penis.

'That has gone significantly bigger, yes,' she reveals. 'About an inch [long] and it's shaped like a little penis. It looks like a little penis, you can roll back the foreskin...'Her breasts have also suffered and now hang lifeless from her hugely overdeveloped pectoral muscles.

Surprisingly, Candice isn't bothered
'They've gone empty and they're not particularly nice but I'm cool with that - they were never my best feature anyway.'

What's more, she has no intention of putting an end to her steroid use.
'I think it would do more harm than good,' she explains.'I'd lose all the muscles but I wouldn't lose all the masculine qualities like the facial hair and the deep voice... It doesn't really go back. 'If I was to try and reverse that, I'd need the same sort of procedures as a male becoming a woman.'

Despite her drastically altered appearance, Candice says the pros outweigh the cons and have allowed her to do something else she loves - a drag act.
'It's opened doors and enabled me to develop myself the way I want to.'It's given me the opportunity to live out one of my dreams. I've started doing a bit of drag and I love it. I've always wanted to do a bit of drag!. 'If I get called a tranny and a faggot when I walk out on the street anyway, I think why not make something of it!'

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