A Salvadorean nun who said she had no idea she was pregnant gave
birth in Italy this week after she felt stomach cramps in her convent
and was rushed to hospital, Italian media reported on Friday.
The 31-year-old mother and her baby boy, who weighs 3.5 kilograms (9
pounds), are doing well and other new mothers in Rieti hospital have
begun collecting clothes and donations for her, the reports said.
"I did not know I was pregnant. I only felt a stomach pain," the nun wasLa Repubblica said she gave birth on Wednesday.
quoted as saying at the hospital, the Italian news agency ANSA reported. Continue...
said the nun had named her baby Francesco (Francis) -- also the pope's
chosen title and one of the most popular names in Italy, where St
Francis of Assisi is the much-loved national patron saint.
The hospital could not be reached for comment.
The nun belongs to the "Little Disciples of Jesus" convent in Campomoro
near Rieti, which manages an old people's home and reports said she
would keep the baby.
Her fellow nuns were quoted saying they were "very surprised"
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